Press Room
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OHS Occupational Health & Safety
June 21, 2023
Preventing Needlestick and Sharps Injuries in the Healthcare Industry
What risks do these types of injuries present for healthcare workers, and what can be done to keep workers safe?
Safety + Health
April 24, 2023
When safety precautions are faithfully followed, sharps injuries are lower, study shows
According to the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, around 385,000 sharps injuries – involving syringe needles, scalpel blades and other sharp objects that come into contact with body fluids – occur annually among the 5.6 million health care workers in the United States.
October 17, 2022
Accidental needlestick makes Florida nurse first case of occupationally acquire MPX
The incident occurred July 12 as the nurse was recapping a needle that had been used to obtain swabs from a patient with suspected monkeypox for disposal. The needle broke through the glove and skin on the nurse’s index finger and caused a small amount of bleeding, according to the report.
Safety + Health
September 8, 2023
Which workers are most at risk for sharps injuries?
A recent study of work-related sharps injuries shows that health care workers had a sixfold higher risk than all other workers – but other workers are at risk, too.
Progressive Farmer Powered By DTN
October 17, 2022
Tips to Prevent Needlestick Injuries When Vaccinating Livestock
With many livestock producers performing routine veterinary work themselves, it's important they take safety precautions around needles when vaccinating animals, experts caution.
August 1, 2023
How to Handle and Dispose of Sharps and Unused Vaccinations
If you’ve ever reached into the knife drawer and gotten an unexpected poke from a sharp object that wasn’t stored properly, you know how easily it is to hurt yourself.
U.S. Food & Drug Adminstration
April 28, 2021
Dos and Don’ts of Proper Sharps Disposal
Safely Use Sharps (Needles and Syringes) at Home, at Work and on Travel. What are the DOs and Don'Ts of Proper Sharp Disposal.
Iowa Farmer Today
August 12, 2022
Even a Small Needle Can Cause Big Problems
Giving injections is a standard procedure in livestock management that comes with some risk. More than 80% of livestock workers have accidentally stuck themselves with a syringe when giving routine injections.